By my turn, I mean stopping at every little Antique, Junk, Thrift, Consignment store that we came across... So not Steve's thing. This one ramshackle place really had him scratching his head I bet, as to why he wants to marry such a strange girl. "Oooo, look at this, and this. OH did you see that. Wow, look that this. Ohhh nooo it's broken, aww man I wanted that! Hmmm, I wonder if I can fix it (insert another 20 minutes of holding the object) " All of those comments were mine, Steve just smiles at me.
He's done in about 20 minutes. In 20 minutes I'm still looking in the first 5 feet of the store, I can easily spend hours there.
This last place was a real dump, my favorite. Steve couldn't believe I was turning into "the drive way".
I'm talking wall to wall stuff, piled on stuff, with stuff on top of that stuff. A place where you are thrilled, and sort of scared as to what you may find. It's the end of the road for many of these items. Old radios some torn apart for their tubes, or whole and almost beckoning (at least to me) for me to bring them home, as my fiance looks on helplessly, asking me if I will be a pack rat 30 years into our marriage ( I told him no, but I'm not so convinced). Old china, silverware, sitting on the shelf, making me wonder what conversations and home recipes it witnessed. Now it sits collecting dust on a shelf. It reminds you that you may love things, but can't take them with you.
None the less, I did make a few purchases!
I am pleased with my finds. Two of which I'll show now, the other can wait until I clean it up and hang it.
The Turner 254X Crystal Radio mic I plan to just display it for a little while in my music area, I'd eventually like to acquire a power supply for it. There are some straight forward schematics online, but for now I will just display it.
The Brownie Camera I am still researching, I believe it to be from the 1920's -1930's. The shutter works and I found someone who still sells 116 film for it it, just needs a little love, don't worry I will post the fixing up of it.
If you don't know Kodak's Brownie Camera takes some pretty cool pictures, like these.
I love projects.
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