Monday, September 5, 2011

smoke signals

Sometimes all we can do is try, right?  After trying to reconcile with a family member, the only thing left to do was shake my head, pat myself on the back, and carry on.  Driving in the car home we came to the conclusion that...
It doesn't really matter if 50 people show up to wedding festivities or 5. Better to have the 5 super-positive-awesome-lovely-fun-celebratory people, than 50 who dragged themselves there to seemingly bitch and moan about everything that we as a couple chose, loved, and worked hard on...
Should I be angry, sad, disappointed...nope!  If you're not happy to be there, please take your negative energy out of our space that we worked hard on, and do us a favor, don't be there. 
Please and Thank you.

For those who have already decided they want nothing to do with this and most importantly us... GOOD.

*the feeling is mutual at this point.


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