Thursday, May 24, 2012

One size fits some, the rest are on your own.

I just got off the phone with someone dress shopping for my wedding.

After making an appointment at Nordstrom for her to meet with "dress specialist" she left discouraged and disappointed at the selection for a woman who is a size 16.

Are there only Mother's of the Brides that are sizes 2-8?

By American standards, the average woman is a size 14.  Do you want to know what the most commonly purchased size is... shouldn't it be 14?  Nope, an 8.  Read it.

I am a 4, so are a lot of women in the NY Metro area, meaning that I am often left longing for a dress that isn't available.  Not really big deal, eventually they'll get more, or have it at another store, or online.

I can't imagine how I would feel if they didn't CHOOSE to carry my size, even if it's considered the average size.  Some nerve.

Monday, May 21, 2012

everything comes together...

It's so nice when everything comes together...

case in point, my bridal shower.

I'll let the pictures tell.
My girls are the best!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Mother's Day Breakfast that Left a Bad Taste in Mom's Mouth- Your Mother Would Not be Proud

Ever have a "bait-and-switch" happen to you?  Sorry to hear about that.  Have you ever had it done to you on Mother's Day with your family?

Now we have a Mother Fucking Problem:

Here's the letter I wrote to The Original Pancake House (NOT IHOP) - and CCed to some other parties that may be interested.

If you don't stand up, you'll get walked all over.  

Dear Original Pancake House-
Attn: Better Business Bureau, The Record News, and Herald News, and My Mother.

This past Sunday, Mother’s Day, my Fiancé and I took my Mother, two Aunts, Brother, and Cousin out for breakfast. My Fiancé and I are frequent customers and even have a Customer Loyalty Card. The Original Pancake House is our absolute favorite breakfast place, or was.

After waiting over forty-five minutes looking at the outside posted menu with the normal prices posted and all the delicious descriptions, we were seated.

My Mother lives in Tennessee and doesn’t have The Original Pancake House there. Every time she comes to visit, we always have breakfast at The Original Pancake House. It’s a scrumptious ritual.
We were then given the “Mother’s Day Specials” menus with prices that were severely raised. If these were specialty menu items I could understand. But they were not. In fact they were the same exact menu items and portions, but with a price raised over 30%. I have attached the pictures of both menus as proof. Some examples: Omelets were raised to $14.00 when they are usually around $11.00, Bacon and Eggs with Pancakes are usually $7.75, on Sunday they were $10.00, even the coffee was raised to $3.00, usually it’s around $2.25.

I have heard of businesses offering specially made items at raised, specialty prices. I have heard of discounting prices for special holidays, but never have I had the experience of prices being raised for the same exact menu items. Raising the prices on an already busy Mother’s Day without prior notification is wrong, the customers sitting at the next table also agreed, so did the ones on the other side of us.

Working for a very prominent investigative firm in Manhattan, I am unfortunately quite aware of these tactics. In the event that you are unaware, the practice of advertising a certain price (ie: the normal menu pictured outside) and then supplying a menu with the same items at a raised price (the “Mother’s Day Special) without advertising or notifying the consumer prior to sitting, is known as a “Bait and Switch” and that is reportable to the Better Business Bureau, it’s also known as false advertising.

We did speak to The Original Pancake House management and were told there was nothing they could do, they felt poorly of the owner’s decision, but could not honor the regular prices.
Did we then have a choice to leave? Yes. However, knowing how much my Mother looks forward to her twice a year special breakfast; I didn’t have the heart to walk out. What was supposed to be a fun and delicious Mother’s Day breakfast, instead, left us with a bad taste in our mouths.
I ask you, The Original Pancake House, how would your Mother feel? How would you feel if someone did this unapologetically while you were treating your family to a Mother’s Day meal? In these tough economic times, did you really feel it necessary to over-charge on an already busy day, for those looking to treat their Mothers? Would your Mother be proud?

I am asking that I be reimbursed for the difference in price if you do not want to lose our business and if you have any integrity. I would be more than happy to supply our order to you so that we may properly calculate the bill.

I have also forwarded this information to The Bergen Record, Herald News, The New Jersey Better Business Bureau, as well as my Mother.

Attached are pictures of your normal menu posted outside, the raised menu prices, the business card I was given and my receipt.

Lindsey Koester

Monday, May 7, 2012



That's how long until our wedding.

This weekend was a fun one after hosting a cinco de mayo bbq and then allowing my fiance to talk to me in to doing nothing wedding related on Sunday.

Us and our plans, they are really silly.  Nothing like a gorgeous day with a handsome companion to seduce you outside and keep you there, letting your crafts sit.

I have always wanted to ride across the George Washing Bridge on a bike, never was it a good time, except for yesterday.  I shelved the mounting bridal projects (we sent the invites last week so that's an accomplishment) and we took off to have, what felt like, a stay-cation and were tourists.

We rode across, took pictures, discovered new places that we new existed, but never experienced, like the lighthouse in this kids story that I've always wanted to see in person.  Or all the parks along the Hudson river- NY Side.  We rode at least 15 miles yesterday, but don't even try and peg me at one of those spandex wearing Lance Armstrong wanna-bes, I rode in shorts, a dress, knee highs and boots.

What a nice day, nothing's better than being a tourist on stay-cation.

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